Rev Stephen Applegate Church Sign Tyler LaRiviere S-T

Churches around the world have endured quarantine disruptions, separations and loss of sacraments, but it’s been an especially strange and confusing ride for All Saints’, Ravenswood in Chicago. The day the new associate rector arrived, freshly minted from seminary and newly ordained, his boss the rector Bonnie Perry was elected Bishop of Michigan. So they hired the Rev. Stephen Applegate, a specialist in interim ministry, to hold things together while a new rector was elected. Three weeks after the interim arrived, churches all over the nation were shut down, leaving the new interim and the new curate scrambling to learn video conferencing and conduct remote services. Former rector, now-bishop Bonnie Perry rebuilt the congregation, which had dwindled to an average attendance of 30, when she arrived in 1992, emphasizing neighborhood outreach and mission work among the poor, growing attendance back to several hundred while operating a meal program for the poor and homeless. But Fr. Applegate and the associate, Andrew Rutledge,

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