Ewington’s Drawing of Lucian Tapiedi

Lucian Tapiedi is one of the ten 20th Century Martyrs at Westminster Abbey, but he’s only one of an estimated 330 Martyrs of New Guinea among all Christian denominations. We also remember the nine Anglican missionaries from Australia who were killed for their faith after the Japanese invasion – brave and committed men and women, clergy and lay, who stayed at their posts, teaching, healing and evangelizing, as danger came and got them. Tapiedi, a guide for some Australians, was separated from his party and killed by a local tribesman named Hivijapa. After the war, this man converted to Christ, was baptized Hivijapa Lucian, and built a church at Embi in memory of the evangelist. Above is a drawing of Tapiedi by retired Anglican vicar the Rev. John Ewington, who served in Papua New Guinea for several years and often sketched PNG people. His drawing was used by sculptor Tim Crawley for the statue at Westminster Abbey. Mr. Ewington sent us this photo a few years ago.

2 thoughts on “Ewington’s Drawing of Lucian Tapiedi

  1. Good afternoon,
    I have been keen to follow Rev John Ewington’s story. I have a large oil painting of a New Guinea lady that was painted by John.


  2. Hi Bernii, I just saw your post mentioning a painting of a PNG woman you have.
    Glad you appreciated it. Iam intrigued to know which one it is ?
    If you want to make contact and send me a photo, I would be grateful. Best wishes John Ewington


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